Friday, 25 December 2009

Select a ballroom dress correctly can fix some errors

Following some ideas in the first article, this post is to look into a bit more detailed about how to select your ballroom dress to make it matches your dance. A ballroom dress should not only look beautiful when you are standing in front of the mirror but also make you really gorgeous when you are dancing. Basically, it should satisfy the three elements below:

  1. It must not restrict you from moving when you are dancing
  2. It should highlight your strong points (e.g some of your techniques or your body)
  3. It should cover your weak points.

Obviously there is no dress could replace your daily practice. However if you know where your weaknesses are (both in terms of techniques and body), you can select a ballroom dress that helps you hide those weaknesses and highlight your strengths. As a result, you can get a better impression for your performance.

Below are examples of some common errors and how to fix it by selecting a suitable dress.

Back bone not straight enough:

This is a common problem for many dancers. It can be fixed by having some cut of fabrics adorned from your neck (or your upper arms) to your back. You can even use more than one cut of fabric. By this way, your back will be somewhat hidden behind those fabrics.

Elbows and arms:

Another error in standard dance is that your arms and elbows may unconsciously lower down when you are dancing. This can be fixed by selecting a ballroom dress that have roomy sleeves with thin fabric material.

Another recommendation: if you have purchased your ballroom dress, do not wait until you have chance to get on the dance floor but try it and see if it really fits your body and your movements well.

Posted via email from ballroomdresses's posterous


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