Friday, 15 January 2010

How to keep your ballroom dresses in the best condition

If you have joined ballroom dancing for a period of time, chances are you already have at least one ballroom dress. Your dress is your asset. You have spent time to search it and pay dollars to get it, so you want to take care of it, don’t you. If it even has chance to go along with you for some competition, it becomes your souvenir as well. So you want to take care of it. However, not every one knows how to care their ballroom dresses properly. Here is some tips for you to make sure you keep your dress in the best condition possible.


For the dresses that do not have rhinestones, beads or any kind of hard material, they are easier to handle. However, since most of the types of fabric used to make ballroom dresses are sensitive so you still need to be careful if you want to wash it. It is better to wash the dress manually by hands, but if you want to use machine just set it at the gentle mode. Do not use water that has temperature exceed 30 C degree as the hot water will make the dress shrink after washing. You also want to avoid mixed-washing your dress with other colored clothes because the colors might fade with other clothing.


For the dresses that have decorations such as rhinestones, beads, sequins, feathers, etc. It is best not to wash them at all. Those decorations are very sensitive and might be off during washing. Even dry clean can damage your dress. To keep your ballroom dresses clean after wearing, you can use a steamer to remove the wrinkle and the smell right after using the dress. Another tip is that you can hang your dress while taking a hot bath in the bathroom, so that the steam will remove all the wrinkles and the smell of the dress for you. After using your dress, make sure you keep it in a dry place to avoid your dress from getting mould.

Posted via email from ballroomdresses's posterous

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Ballroom dresses review - this item looks gorgeous

Hi there!

Just drop by Dance dress shop this morning and found this new item. It looks pretty nice, isn’t it? The Teaberry pink color just goes along very well with this design. The fabrics are mix up of lycra, mesh and chiffon. Given the price at US$320 with Korean stone, it is not a bad deal.

If you want Swarovski stone for your ballroom dress, add $150-$200 depending on the number of stones.

Personally, I satisfy with Korean stones.


Have a good day, dancers!

For more information, go to

Posted via email from ballroomdresses's posterous